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Commonly Asked Wallpaper Questions Lady


  • What Are Some Great Things To Bring?
    • Current room photo's • Measurements of wall or walls you are shopping for • Photo's or links of designs you like and/or rooms & styles you want to use for inspiration
  • How Much Does Wallpaper Cost?
    This can vary widely based on your design selections, total amount needed and other factors. Talk to one of our in-store design experts for more detailed pricing specifics: Call Us Directly | 480-361-9410 Our in-store design experts are always available during business hours to answer any pricing related questions and help you get more detailed specifications on price ranges/information for your specific project, design choices and more. Email Us | Click Here to send email Be sure to include what designs/styles/brands you are considering for your project, pattern #'s for designs if possible, project measurements and any other specific details regarding your project.
  • Who Should I Bring With Me?
    It's always a great idea to bring your spouse/significant other/ or anyone who has a part in making decisions for your home. The last thing you want is to get home with a design all picked out and ready to go, and then have to start again from scratch because they "aren't a flower person"! Plus, most of the time they can actually be a big help in the selection process as they may have an eye for certain things you may be missing.
  • What If I Don't Have Any Room Details Etc. With Me?
    Don't Worry! Although having things like measurements, room photos, etc. can help you make your final selections, you can still: • Browse our huge inventory for inspirational ideas • Talk to one of our design experts to get detailed recommendations and guidance for your project • See the hottest new interior trends in person •And much, much more!

* A large portion of the above content/instructions were taken directly from York Wallcoverings© and

**Any content/instructions above provided by The Wallpaper And Border Store/The Wallpaper Company are provided purely as a reference to the sourced material (see source link below) and henceforth we take no responsibility/liability for any of the suggestions/steps/instructions listed above as we simply provide this material as a courtesy reference to the above listed site(s).

***Source: York Wallcoverings | Wallpaper-Product-faqs |

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